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Why We Love Every Door Direct Mail by the U.S. Postal Service

  1. Great Postage Rate: (17 cents/piece)
  2. No Mailing List Required
  3. No Mailing Permit. (you save the annual fee of $220)

Looking to reach new customers?
Then look no further.

New Customers

The US Post Office's “Every-door Direct Mail Service” helps get your name out in the community and reaches-out to “potential customers.” With ultra-low postage rates and no mailing list required this is a service worth taking advantage of. You will find that when it comes to great customer service, the US Postal Office delivers in more ways than one.

First, a word of explanation:   I am including a link from the US Post Office which when you click it will display a map of the US.  You will see a field in which you enter your zip code.  When you enter your zip code a drop down list will appear that will present every carrier and rural route that composes that zip code.  You will see the number of residents and businesses that are in each carrier route.  (A carrier route most often is the route which a postal carrier daily delivers the mail to and that is designated by a number). In addition, if you move your mouse on the map the carrier routes will appear so you can see exactly where they are located within the zip code.  So if you know the area where you tend to draw customers you can easily send to them WITHOUT A MAILING LIST

Give it a try!  It’s really cool.  Enter your zip code! Here is the link to do so:

Click Here to Try it Yourself!

Did you also see that it displays demographic information for each carrier route?  It is easy to display the age, household income and average household size.  Just check the boxes on the right side of the map.  This allows you to choose particular routes to focus your mailings based on the criteria handpicked by you. Choose a route based on income, it can easily be done. Work with the other demographics and you will soon become an advertising maven.  Our newsletters and postcards are perfect to use for Every Door Direct Mail.

Now, if you don’t want to do the mailing, we are happy to prepare it for you and ship the mailing to your office. Just select the newsletter and/or postcard you desire and we will take it from there! 

So let’s get busy and get new customers!

Give it a try! It’s really cool. Enter your zip code! Here is the link to do so: Click Here to Try it Yourself!
Service Center: 800.258.0258